Kaizen book authored by Sarah Harvey.

Book Review: Kaizen Philosophy.


I thoroughly enjoy reading self-help books, especially those that contain theories or lifestyles that I can emulate in real life. I am currently reading Ikigai, which I will definitely review after I am done; for now, I’ll review Kaizen, which I recently finished reading.

“Kaizen: The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits, One Small Step at a Time” explores the Kaizen philosophy and its applications in various aspects of life. The book was written by Sarah Harvey and published in September 2019 by Bluebird; this hardcover edition has 272 pages filled with practical advice and actionable strategies for personal development.

Kaizen begins with Harvey’s personal journey of discovering the Kaizen methodology during her time in Japan. Struggling with work and life challenges, she found solace and empowerment in the Kaizen principle: continuous improvement through small, incremental steps. Throughout the book, Harvey delves into the origins of Kaizen and how it evolved into a comprehensive philosophy for efficiency and progress.

The core principle of Kaizen revolves around breaking down goals into manageable tasks and making consistent progress towards them. Harvey emphasizes the significance of starting small and gradually expanding efforts, whether it’s improving health, relationships, finances, or career aspirations. Readers can overcome…



Georgina Musembi, M.Sc. Managerial Psychology

Writer specializing in Wellness, Technology, Self development, Business wellness, Psychology & Book Reviews.