Toxic Stress vs. Good Stress

Georgina Musembi, M.Sc.
3 min readJul 13, 2024

Stress is an inevitable part of modern life, but not all stress is the same. With a better understanding of the brain and its development, the difference between good stress (eustress) and toxic stress is more important than ever. Today, let’s discuss the science behind these two types of stress, their impact on our well-being, and strategies for handling them effectively.

Eustress/good stress:

Imagine the rush of adrenaline before a big presentation or the focused determination during a challenging gym workout. These are examples of eustress, a positive form of stress that motivates us to grow and perform. Eustress activates the body’s “fight-or-flight” response, releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. However, these hormones are released in a controlled manner, keeping us alert and focused. Eustress helps us overcome challenges, meet deadlines, and foster personal growth.

Toxic stress:

In contrast, toxic stress is a prolonged activation of the stress response system, often triggered by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) like abuse or neglect. Unlike eustress, the stress response in toxic stress becomes overwhelming and sometimes chronic. The developing brain, especially vulnerable in early childhood, is particularly susceptible to the damaging effects of toxic stress.

The science behind the damage:

Chronic exposure to stress hormones disrupts the architecture of the developing brain. These disruptions can lead to impaired…



Georgina Musembi, M.Sc.

Content Writer & Editor specializing in Wellness, Technology, Self development, Business wellness, Psychology & Book Reviews.